Cre8tek has an extensive experience in performing Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). Our PPAP is based on 6-sigma and qualifies the manufacturing tools and verifies that the manufacturing processes and the production set-ups are stable.
Reaching the state of stable manufacturing or production set-up is often an underestimated task, and many projects have been delayed in this specific phase. The Cre8tek engineers have a wide experience in working with the suppliers in this critical phase of the development process. With our experience and our location close to the tooling manufactures and component suppliers, the efficiency in the PPAP process is extremely high and save you critical time to market.
For fast and effective evaluation as well as qualification of components and the structural design, Cre8tek can offer to arrange all kind of reliability tests close to the manufacturers in China including reliability tests, environmental tests, transportation test, governmental requirements tests and many more.
Facts… PPAP is the Production Part Approval Process. The PPAP ensures that not only the first produced parts are OK, but it also tells you how much you should expect the part dimensions to vary during mass production. At smaller quantities normally the PPAP process is limited to include only a FAI (First Article Inspection).