The tooling process and the following qualification process are large time consumers in almost every product development schedule.
To help you keep the efficiency high during this period, Cre8tek offer to either take care of the complete process for you, or to assist you in onsite troubleshooting and control at your suppliers. With our location in Shenzhen we have a very large nearby network of tool makers and part manufacturers. If you order your tools and/or components from Cre8tek, you will not be limited to English speaking suppliers, and we can choose the best suppliers for the actual need from a production capability point of view.
At Cre8tek we also have first hand knowledge about the Chinese price structures. That is why we can always be competitive not only on lead time and time to market but also the actual price for tooling and components.
Facts… The manufacturing process has a very big impact on the mechanical design of the component. And vice versa. If the component is not designed optimal for the actual manufacturing process, it will always be difficult to obtain the expected or needed quality of the component