Robots Move Into China

Cre8teks fabrik i Kina

The robots are moving into the Danish-Chinese company Cre8tek’s production plant in Shenzhen. The reason is higher efficiency and quality.

”We have invested millions in robots, thereby making Cre8tek part of Chinese industry’s high-tech wave,” says CEO Poul Dørup Olesen, leader of Cre8tek’s Danish branch in Hjørring.

The robots will improve Cre8tek’s efficiency and quality. The company designs and manufactures products in China for European companies: chiefly lighting and electronics products.

”Increasingly, our customers are demanding products that feature IoT (Internet of Things) technology. There is rapid development in this field, and the numbers are growing. Our major investment in robots and automation in our production plant in Shenzhen is chiefly to accommodate customers’ wishes in this area,” says Poul Dørup Olesen.

The development in Chinese industry from being a staff-intensive low-wage affair to automated, high-quality production is illustrated by the fact that right now China is installing more robots than any other country.

”We also witness that China has now developed a subcontracting industry that can supply advanced automation equipment and solutions. We now make more use of this in our own production and with our component suppliers,” says Poul Dørup Olesen.

Cre8tek was founded in 2011 by the two engineers, Yilin Pei and Poul Dørup Olesen. They still manage Cre8tek from Shenzhen and Hjørring respectively. Currently, Cre8tek’s Shenzhen branch has a workforce of about 150 employees. It is the Danish office in Hjørring that is responsible for contact between Cre8tek’s European client companies and the development and production facilities.

The Cre8tek founders Poul Dørup Olesen and Yilin Pei at one of Cre8tek’s assembly lines, where new automation increases the capacity to fit screws fivefold.

Software upload via semi-automatic systems has quadrupled the capacity per employee.

Automated visual inspection of quality at Cre8tek’s PCB-mounting subcontractors.

Four fully-automatic extraction robots in Cre8tek’s injection-moulding factory increase capacity.

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