Development and production of marine IP67-housing

Cre8tek has been responsible for development and manufacturing of mechanical parts for Polaris Electronics’ first self-developed Iridium tracking transceiver.

Integrated product development

Cre8tek has been in close dialogue with the technical team at Polaris for mechanical development and IP67 classification. The close cooperation has led to an autonomously functioning maritime unit that can withstand a tough arctic climate, where wind, humidity, sun, salt and rapid changes in temperature make great demands on the design of the mechanics.

Prototypes for testing and marketing

CNC-processed prototypes, supplied by Cre8tek, in materials with the right properties, have enabled time-consuming full-scale testing in maritime environments.

Early marketing of prototypes, which also have the correct surface finish, has helped Polaris quickly get purchase commitments from their customers, thus earning an early overview of the order volume for the first production order.

IP67 test and certification

In its own test facilities, Cre8tek has conducted initial testing for validation of the design. In addition, we have coordinated final testing and certification at TÜV-accredited laboratory in China.

Production and packaging

Cre8tek has supplied mechanical components such as plastic housings, gaskets, screws, brackets and special bolts in stainless steel. Also, Cre8tek has designed and delivered packaging that reduces the time consumed for packaging in Polaris’s own production.

  • ID and concept development
  • Mechanical development and DFM
  • Packaging test and design
  • IP67 test and certification
  • Tolerance analyzes
  • Prototypes
  • Toolmaking
  • Injection molding


CAD rendering of Sirius One housing mounted on metal brackets

Exploded assembly with electronics and PCBA

SIRIUS One – Prototype installed on ship.

Prototypes made with compression molded silicone gaskets and thread inserts.

Electronics mounted in IP67-housing prototype.

Prototype and final product mounted on metal brackets.

“… From the first meeting with Cre8tek we have had a constructive dialogue from idea to production. With 3D drawings we have been able to rotate and turn the product to inspect that the mechanical parts fit with our electronics. Early in the process, the prototypes from Cre8tek gave us a good feeling that we were on the right track. “

Ib Nielsen
Service Engineer
Polaris Electronics A/S

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